
同学会 Week is 9月23日星期一rd -
presented by Alleman 学生会!

有用的信息 之前 回家一周:

同学会t恤: 请看订单 在这里. Orders and money are due Wednesday, September 18th by the end of the school day to Ms. 沙门逊(219室).

先锋的速度 (event for feeder school students)- 先锋步道(星期三). Sept 25 ) Online and Paper Registration LINK

  • All Pace forms are due on Tuesday, Sept. 24号去艾尔曼高中. (Please make checks payable to AHS 学生会)

学生饥饿运动 - Chick-fil-A lunch - 学生饥饿运动 Chick Fil A Order Form

  • Alleman students/staff can pre-order lunch to be delivered to Alleman after the assembly, 星期五中午, 9/27(星期五, 9月27日中午下课) 

  • Order forms and money are due 9月25日星期三th to enjoy a sandwich on Friday, the 27th! Turn in the form and money to the main office! 

返校节舞会 Tickets go on sale 9月23日星期一rd - cost is $20.00每

  • Ordering information will be explained during English classes on Friday, 9/20

  • 学生 can purchase tickets from Ms. 萨尔门森(219房间)或Mrs. Thompson (Room 221) before or after school starting on Monday, 9月23日至周五, 9月27日 

  • Tickets will still be available for purchase when entering the dance on 9月28日星期六

  • DEADLINE FOR “Out of School Guest” forms is Tuesday, Sept. 24th -  must be turned in to the main office for approval

星期五,9月. 20th




学生 & 员工- “迪斯尼世界” 

  • Dress as your favorite Disney character from any movie. All costumes must be in good taste. This means it should not be offensive to anyone – students or adults. 学生 must participate in class without obstructing the view of others, and hear and see what is happening in class- No face paint or masks allowed.

  • Student Body Votes for King and Queen in all English Classes

  • 返校节门票发售 in room 219 and room 221 before and after school ($20 per ticket)

    • 失学的客人 - A guest may be invited to the dance and permits must be obtained for a guest from the main office. These permits must be completed and turned in no later than 9月24日星期二.

  • 返校节足球赛 at Augustana against Rock Island High School - game @ 7:00 p.m.

    • 同学会 Court Presentation – @ 6:20 pm on the Augustana football field

    • 学生 dress in “USA” theme for the game


学生 & 工作人员——”我的人生何时开始?”

  • Dress in your pajamas/slippers - like you’re just beginning your day! All costumes must be in good taste. This means that it should not be offensive to anyone – students or adults. 学生 must be able to participate in class without obstructing the view of others, and hear and see what is happening in class- No face paint allowed.

  • 返校节门票发售 in room 219 and room 221 before and after school ($20 per ticket)

  • DEADLINE FOR “Out of School Guest” forms is today -  转到总部 

  • 主场足球赛 at the Alleman Complex against Sterling High School; JV @ 4:30, Varsity @ 6:00 p.m. 学生 dress in “Pajamas” theme for the game


质量: “科罗娜级色彩之岛” - Dress in UNIFORM **ALL 学生- 请保持着装规范.

*This is also Alleman’s 75th Anniversary Mass with Bishop Lou Tylka!

  • 新生, 请戴上  “Maximus White”领衬衫

  • 二年级的学生, 请戴上 collared shirt with "Pascal Green"

  • 少年, 请戴上 collared shirt with "Flynn Ryder Blue"

  • 老年人, 请戴上 collared shirt with" Rapunzel Purple" 

  • 的员工, 请戴上 “高瑟妈妈的栗色/红色”服装

  • 返校节门票发售 in room 219 and room 221 before and after school ($20 per ticket)

  • 先锋步伐及嘉年华 -下午5-7点在院子里. 学生 K-8 can sign up for the night of the event but are not guaranteed a drawstring bag after the deadline. Please complete the form and either drop it off in the main office, 邮寄过来, or bring it on the night of the event. All families and students are invited to the carnival. 


学生 & 员工- “妈妈最懂” -穿得像你的父母

  • Girls: dress like your mom, Boys: dress like your dad

  • All costumes must be in good taste. This means it should not be offensive to students or adults. 学生 must be able to participate in class without obstructing the view of others, and hear and see what is happening in class- No face paint or masks allowed.

  • 返校节门票发售 in room 219 and room 221 before and after school ($20 per ticket)

  • 家庭排球赛 in the Morris Gym against Sterling High School; Freshmen @ 5:00, Sophomores @ 6:00, Varsity @ 7:00 p.m. 学生 dress in “Pink Out” theme for the game


学生 & 员工- “加冕”

  • 学生 & 员工可穿美国AHS灵服- This includes an AHS top and jeans, 纯色运动裤, or appropriate length athletic shorts

  • 当天的课程表 -中午下课

  • 返乡加冕大会 @11:15在莫里斯体育馆

  • Chick-fil-A Lunch Day delivered to students after assembly, at noon - MUST have been PRE-ORDERED and paid for by Wed. 9/25 - benefitting 学生饥饿运动 

  • 回家的票 以美元出售. 219号房 立即 大会结束后

  • SIGMA 同学会 BONFIRE in Lincoln Park from 6:00-8:00


返校节舞会 晚上7:00-10:00在Alleman

  • HC Tickets can be purchased at the door for $20 per ticket.

  • All students must arrive by 8:30 p.m. and will not be permitted to return after leaving.

  • Rock Island Police will be on duty at check-in (with a breathalyzer) and in the parking lot.

  • 请不要受影响….so you can have a Happily Ever 同学会!!

  • 失学的客人 - A guest may be invited to the dance and permits must be obtained for a guest from the main office. These permits must be completed and turned in no later than 9月24日星期二.

  • 正式的学校舞蹈着装要求:  男学生: dress shoes, dress pants, dress shirt, and tie are permitted. A sweater or a sport coat is optional.  女学生: dress shoes, dress, skirt or dress pants, and blouse are permitted. 露脐装, 或上, and side cut-outs that include flesh-colored material, or plunging necklines are not allowed.  学生 who do not obey the dress code will be asked to leave and change or may be asked to wear a sweater or coat while at the dance. The administration has the final decision and has the right to instruct a student to leave an event for improper dress.